playing the rain woggle

Brevity is the dark souls of wit

HAIKU games

What's actually happening? Videogames are REAL.

Dripping self through the plotholes


What isn't emersive?

My Meaning

meaning and metameaning

meaning, for a moment

Catching up, 2023

HAIKU games

asking the player

Recognizing Play

Dripping self through the plotholes

Difficult Poetry

Whole Grain Decisions

Musicality of games

Catching up, 2023

meaning and metameaning

meaning, for a moment

LIVING games

HAIKU games

focusing on game-plays

Catching up, 2023

Recognizing Play

Catching up, 2023

Recognizing Play

Dripping self through the plotholes

Difficult Poetry

Whole Grain Decisions

Musicality of games

What do we want to get points for?

meaning, for a moment

LIVING games

HAIKU games

focusing on game-plays

Stepping back

Play to LIVE

Understanding Aliveness

Making meaning

The Road Not Taken

Designing without correctness

Interpreting 靜夜思, and the Timeless Way

Stepping back

focusing on game-plays

LIVING games

meaning, for a moment

HAIKU games