Videogames are process

Or, making media for medium noticers Process Is Art There is a pleasure in process. The painter paints, and they experience a profound learning, a deep feeling. The consumer has no access to this through the painting, unless they are a very good painter themselves, and conversely the painter probably doesn’t see the painting in… Continue reading Videogames are process

Reflections on Awake

Dear droqen, It’s funny! I started writing this post before you wrote Platformer Kigo and had it saved as a draft. Now it feels like a reply: Kafka and his Precursors! This post, then is not so much a reply as a jogging companion. In the second part of your post it looked like you… Continue reading Reflections on Awake

Miraculous Coincidences

Or, notice the medium I can pour latte art, because I was a barista for many years. I love pouring latte art. When I did it again recently, at a friend’s house with their little espresso machine, I felt tears well up in my eyes. It’s mostly nostalgia, but there is something that I’ve always… Continue reading Miraculous Coincidences

Game Designer GO Brrrrr

I read this and thought, “ah OK! So to make a living platformer I should learn the pattern language for platformers and then BOOM!” But this is magical thinking. I’m reading The Timeless Way of Building and today it occurred to me: I’ve been reading this book with an eye for how I might be… Continue reading Game Designer GO Brrrrr

Translating the Impossible

This is kind of a joke! Droqen had some problems with the impossible games manifesto, and rightly so it is a bit wishy-washy. My feeling is that art manifestos are meant, above all, to be aspirational. A call to arms! So what is this manifesto asking us to aspire to do, and why all the… Continue reading Translating the Impossible

Brevity is the dark souls of wit

Being on a content conveyor belt moving you endlessly forward from set-piece to set-piece is, ironically, often way more interesting than an open world game, or a metroidvania, or something more “exploration focused”. I believe that this is because videogames have a resolution problem. We can grow more familiar with a person, place, thing, or… Continue reading Brevity is the dark souls of wit