Appreciation as Practice

Limericks, Form, Miraculous Coincidences [on latte art:] It’s not a very expressive medium, but it is a medium and it’s worth exploring (or nothing is worth exploring). – Zeigfreid, Miraculous Coincidences There is a satisfying cant to the limerick’s flow, strongly suggesting a setup, a brief diversion, and a punchline. We can still meticulously construct… Continue reading Appreciation as Practice

Answering my own question

I like that quote from Basho…. ‘seek what they tried to seek’. mm. Maybe this [is] “what we do when we do game design”? Using all the mechanisms available to us, we create a beautiful Hedge and tease out the player’s capacity and inclination to perceive it, to invite them to seek what we tried… Continue reading Answering my own question

Designing without correctness

This is an interesting, um, example? specimen? I have been leaning hard into ‘the death of the author’, in a lot of ways for my own mental health, to allow myself to engage with things on my own terms and feel comfortable and confident about my manner of engagement, and what I end up valuing… Continue reading Designing without correctness

Slime Logic

Hello, it has a been a bit! I thought I might share some recent thoughts I’ve been playing with. Thoughts around feedback, theming, and poetics. As always, in the world of GAMEFEEL. A couple months ago I started working on a port of the classic Sokoban, but re-envisioned as a sliding block puzzle (a la… Continue reading Slime Logic

Recognizing Play

Lately I have been thinking about play, in a general sense. The various ways it manifests in life and games, and my relationship to it as an activity. Our recent discussion on responsibility helped me recognize the degree to which I wasn’t taking responsibility for my own engagement with play, which was enlightening, and a… Continue reading Recognizing Play

What isn’t emersive?

I find prototyping is a really trial-and-error experience, a random walk around playspaces to discover what works and what doesn’t. It’s the only way to stumble upon something totally new! So my personal answer:– Pay attention to systems external to the game.– Reject non-emersive designs and see what I find. Droqen (Prototyping Emersive Games?) A… Continue reading What isn’t emersive?

Game Idea: Case Study

I recently had a game idea that I like, it has gamefeel aspects and natural beauty aspects, and is conceptually contained – though as you will see very easily spills into some complexity that needs to be wrangled. I like the general idea of it, but there are a lot of holes in the design… Continue reading Game Idea: Case Study