Whole Grain Decisions

I guess the theory I have is that
games are like white sugar and white bread,
distillations of experiences down to their purest form.
Or, they can be.
And sometimes you need pure MSG,
not the rest of the tomato that comes with it,
for the sake of creating something particular
which could not otherwise be tasted, or experienced.

But we play a dangerous game extracting all the little things
out of an experience until we are left with nothing but
A Series Of Interesting Decisions,
experiences that have had their bran and germ removed,
leaving only the endosperm (the germ’s food supply,
which is high in starchy carbs).

I think it’s interesting to think about Whole Grain Decisions:
Decisions that you make in a game that are going to affect you,
not just the numbers and figures observed in your decisionmaking
(as in a management or a puzzle game)
but a game that you can live inside of, that you love to inhabit,
and which then asks — empowers! — you to make decisions
which affect the world and impact its inhabitants —
including, particularly, you.

I want emersion through immersion.
On average, dolphins can hold their breath for a total of between 8 to 10 minutes.
I want to be like the dolphin.

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