Happy New Year! What is letterclub?

Dear Jack, Mer, and Zeigfreid:

What is letterclub?

A brief history: Jack and I somehow ended up talking about his wonderful idea of haiku games. I forget exactly how it all happened, but I remember we discussed having a more public conversation, working towards some theoretical end goal (a book?), and eventually our group of four was formed: the four of us sending letters to each other on this blog (which Jack built beautifully!)

Our meandering has taken us (all) further away from haiku games; our explorations should be free to meander away from things of course, but, it has left me with a feeling of lostness. Haiku games were the central heart of letterclub.games, and it was always a buoy to return to in the dark when we got too far away. Now it seems to be an unsuitable heart. What to do when I am always home-bound, but the home I was bound to no longer feels like home?

I’ll answer my own question, I suppose. I think letterclub is this place for letters, but it also circled a singular topic, haiku games, and I am – perhaps we are – at a point of decision regarding how to move forward (if at all – but I would like to).

Then my new question is: What will letterclub become?

Lately, Christopher Alexander’s conception of living systems has taken root in my mind. Deep root. Just yesterday I finished reading the first book of The Nature of Order, and I have seven pages of quotes and notes to show for it (unedited, so . . . maybe don’t read them). According to this idea I’m having about what letterclub is, I suppose I feel as though this has become a new sort of heart for me. A new home. A new center.

But I oughtn’t embark on the writing of a recentering as though this is a boat for me to pilot as I see fit. I’ve thought of pitching it to you all, to the club, but first I’d like to put the questions to you three, coauthors, copilots:

  1. What is letterclub?
  2. What will, or should, letterclub become next? (if anything?)

And, P.S., I think you’ve all read my 31 unmarked games manifesto (of sorts), and I think we’re all on the same page here, but as a reminder, question 2 is not about what we want it to become on the outside – it’s about what we want to write letters about to each other, and what we want to receive letters about. I’ve given my answers. What are yours? 🙂

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2023!

love, droqen.


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